
"I have been taking Macular Assist with Omega-3 for six weeks and I am seeing much better! I am very happy with the vitamins."
Sheri, Orange County, CA

"I take Eagle Eye Omega-3 for my dry eyes. It has made a huge difference for me. I don't get the fishy taste like I did from my other omegas, and it definitely works better."
Jennifer, Atlanta, GA

"Eagle Eye Omega-3 fish oil has lowered my cholesterol. I am very pleased with the product. Thanks, Eagle Eye Sciences!" Mary, Cypress, CA

"I have been taking Macular Assist and Omega-3 for a couple years now, and it has kept my macular degeneration in check. I am so grateful."
Cheryl, Los Angeles, CA

"I have taken fish oil for years, but Eagle Eye Omega-3 is the best I have taken so far. I wear contacts and have always had mild dry eyes, and the omega-3 really takes care of it."
Eric, Orange County, CA

"My vision has improved so much from taking Macular Assist. I can see things I could not before. Thank you!" 
Herman, Indianapolis, IN

"I have been taking the omega-3 fish oil for overall health and my hair, skin, and nails. My complexion has cleared up quite a bit, and my nails grow faster than ever!
Ashley, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 

"When first hearing about Omega- 3 Fish Oils I must admit I was a bit skeptical in trying them. I had been to many doctors, herbalists and even acupuncture specialists who claimed that all I needed was this brand of medicine, or that many tablets of some kind of vitamin but NOTHING worked. You see in 2007 I had a grand mal seizure (never had I a history of it before) that struck me and my family for a loop. I was completely devastated; it wasn't until a few months later that things started to get worse. I began experiencing what clinical specialists call myoclonic jerking of my muscles. These jerking spasms would occur daily for me, it would start in the morning once I awoke and would not stop until in some cases a few hours later. I would get home later that evening frustrated and tired and suddenly my muscles would spasm and I would break glass cups, medicine bottles, plates etc. I am so thankful for my family in helping me to endure the trials that I had to face in these uncontrolled spasms. After many years of Doctor visits and tears shed Alamitos Eye Care Inc. (the Optometry office that I work for) had a Grad Opening and Eagle Eye was one of the sponsors there. I was at first curious about this particular sponsor because Aaron Freeman (Eagle Eye's President) was promoting the Omega-3 Fish Oils and another supplement for Macular Degeneration, that he caught my interest. At the open house, I spoke with him about the difference between his Omega-3 and one you can buy over the counter at the supermarket. He was very convincing and confident in his product that I ended up buying 2! About 3-4 weeks after taking the Fish Oils as directed I started noticing that my muscle spasms were subsiding so much so that I maybe had one 3-4 times a week rather than daily. Curious as to the potency this effect had on me I decided to contact Aaron and order more as I started running out. Since June of 2010 (or so) I have been taking Eagle Eye's Omega-3 Fish Oil tablets 2 a day and ironically enough my muscle spasms have significantly subsided to maybe once a week or twice a week at most. These Fish Oil supplements are like no other; it is not a medicine that you become addicted to and once you've stopped taking it you have withdraws, and it's not a supplement that you can overdose on. Eagle Eye's Omega-3 tablet are in my opinion a helpful regiment that are beneficial to not only one's sight but (at least in my case) neurological and muscular suppression. To Eagle Eye & Aaron Freeman thank you for helping me to rekindle the fighter in me and face the challenges that arose. Without your help I don't know what situation I may be in today :-) "
Tierra, Los Angeles, CA

"Great products. I love the fact that it comes straight to my house."
Robert, Nashville, TN

"I love the fact that I can get all the nutrients I need to fight macular degeneration in one pill of Macular Assist and two capsules of Omega-3. Before I was taking 4-6 pills every day!" 
Mary, Long Beach, CA

"When our eye doctor told my wife she had Macular Degeneration, we were terrified. I have been ordering Macular Assist for her, and her condition seems to have stabilized. We are very grateful for that. Thank you!
John, Scottsdale, AZ

"I switched over from Nordic Naturals to Eagle Eye Omega-3 for my dry eyes. I feel like I have had better results with the Eagle Eye Omega, and it is a better value!"
Dayle, Las Vegas, NV

"My doctor recommended I take Eagle Eye Omega-3 fish oil for my dry eyes. I forgot to re-order, and was off the product for about 10 days. I felt such a huge difference not being on them! This product works for me. I will never forget to re-order again!"
Christina, Provo, UT

"I suffered from an inflammatory condition that gave me horrible leg cramps. After taking the Eagle Eye Omega-3 fish oil for 3 weeks, I felt a HUGE difference, and my cramping decreased dramatically. It helped sooooo much!"
Tamar, Los Angeles, CA 

"Thank you for having great eye vitamins and for always processing our phone orders so quickly!"
Madonna, Encino, CA

"Eagle Eye Sciences has the best customer service, and the shipping is always super fast and on time."
Peggy, Atlanta, GA